“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.” – The Notebook
Tim is from North Carolina. I am from Maine. A series of crazy cosmic events led him here to me when I was 12, and he was 13 years old. Our first date was to a middle school soccer game. I was in the 7th grade. We experienced all of the ups and downs of first love. We grew to be best friends, lovers, and eventually parents.
We have now been married since 2003. We have two awesome children and we still can’t get enough of each other. We have many stories, but here is the story of how we were led to photography.
I have had a passion for photography since I was a young girl. I took photos of absolutely everything that I could when I was a kid and spent too much of my mom’s money developing rolls of film that were full of pictures of my cat, friends, and random objects found in nature.
As a teenager I received my first “real” camera and I went crazy experimenting with the manual settings and zoom lens. I took the only photography class offered in my high school and learned how to develop film in a dark room. I was drawn to photographing people and especially loved capturing their eyes.
I graduated from high school and focused on finding a career that I could enjoy but that would also pay the bills. I graduated with my master’s degree in Occupational therapy, and somehow, as I navigated the waters of my new career, photography was lost. No one ever told me that this passion could turn into a career.
In 2006, my husband Tim and I had our first child. Elio was perfect and we didn’t want to miss a thing! We took thousands of pictures with our point and shoot. My brother, a sports reporter and photographer, was selling his DSLR so we bought that from him for a steal.
Tim and I then spent hours photographing Elio, and eventually, our second child as well. Before long we were photographing friends and their children on a regular basis and having a blast! At some point Tim and I looked at each other and realized we had an opportunity to make a career out of photography and spend some time together doing what we love.
Tim is a total technology geek. He owns 5iveLeaf Design Studio and is a graphic and web designer and he is great at it. He has one of those crazy brains that allows him to be both creative and technical at the same time. He loves researching new gear and experimenting with lighting techniques. This is a great thing because technology is not my thing! We make a great pair.
As of the summer of 2014 I left my full-time career as an Occupational Therapist and returned to my passion for photography. Tim and I believe in following your passion. We believe in love. We believe in marriage. We believe in capturing the innocence of our children, and that parents should be in photos with their kids. We believe in having fun with every photo shoot. We believe that because we are so comfortable with each other, you will be comfortable with us as well.
Our goal with every session is to make beautiful photos that move you. Whether we are photographing your wedding, newborn, or your high school senior who is preparing to graduate, our mission is the same…to provide you with images that elicit emotion. If you look at your wedding photos and both laugh and cry, we have done our job!
~ Kristen

We are currently photographing in the mid-coast Maine area and are so blessed to have such a gorgeous place to call home. That being said we love to travel as well so if you live in or are getting married some place awesome, please let us know!